SAIC Datong and Shanghai Peng Pu EV31 Lingang vehicle project started.

In March 2, 2018, the opening ceremony of Shanghai Automotive Datong and Shanghai Peng Pu EV31 Lingang vehicle project was held in Shanghai Peng Pu machine works Co., Ltd. Yuan Guohua, President of Shanghai Lingang Economic Development (Group) Co., Ltd., vice president of Shanghai Port Economic Development Zone, vice president of Shanghai Lingang Economic Development (Group) Co., Ltd., vice president of Shanghai port economic development (Group) Co., Ltd., vice president of SAIC Group, Xu Qiuhua, general manager Xu Yan of pong Pu, Shanghai, Peng Pu, Shanghai Peng. Feng Jianhua, Secretary of Pu Party committee and other guests attended the opening ceremony.


Driven by the trend of the Internet, China's e-commerce logistics has been developing rapidly in recent years. In 2017, the sales volume of China's new energy special vehicles reached 150 thousand, an increase of 152% over the same period, of which the logistics vehicle is the main vehicle, occupying 97% of the total. The economic and environmental advantages of the electric logistics vehicles will further activate the demand of the logistics enterprises to new energy vehicles. It is expected that by 2020, the new energy vehicles in the urban logistics and distribution vehicles will be over 30%.


Accelerating the development of new energy vehicles is the trend of China's automobile industry to comply with the global automotive industry's energy saving and environmental protection. All the time, SAIC Group has been pushing forward the research and development of new energy technology and products. With the "technology, trust and enterprising" as the brand value, the company has made full force in the field of new energy logistics in the field of new energy logistics, and has already been listed in the EV80 electric distribution logistics vehicle. The customers are all over the Jingdong and shun. Feng, on the ground iron rentals and other express logistics industry. In addition, SAIC Datong EV80 has been sold to many developed European countries such as Germany and Britain, and has won the local government subsidies and Green Fleet awards.


In order to carry out the national new energy vehicle development policy, the "new four" strategy of the steam group above the SAIC chase and above is the guide, the light pure electric animal flow car market is actively laid out, and the intelligent and modular EV31 project of the intelligent and modular electric logistics platform is developed and put into production. The project will cooperate with SAIC Group's development based on MEV architecture and create the landing of Peng Peng, Shanghai.


Lan Qingsong, vice president of SAIC Group, said in his speech that the EV31 project was formally landed at Peng Pu Lingang base, indicating that SAIC has taken an important step forward in the field of pure electric city logistics. This is the result of the product of SAIC pure electric new energy technology in the SAIC Datong logistics vehicle platform. It will also become an important carrier of SAIC's support to Peng Pu's transformation and development.


Since its establishment in 1959, Peng Pu, Shanghai, contains more than 50 years of strong corporate culture and is also faced with the requirements of transformation and development. After the relocation of the company to the port of port, we should seize the opportunity, adjust the structure, improve the energy level, transform and develop, and derive the diversified industrial pattern of intelligent garage, intelligent manufacturing, high altitude operating car and so on. The EV31 project will be the new starting point for the innovation and transformation of Peng Pu in Shanghai.


It is reported that the EV31 project is planned to make a total investment of RMB 500 million yuan, which will be developed for the light pure electric logistics market. The first model is 4.8M3 logistics car, and the new car will be produced in February 2019.


With the start of EV31 project, SAIC will build "standardized, digitalized and green" intelligent vehicle production plant in Shanghai port.


The new plant will adopt a new technology, fully apply MIG welding technology, and use the robot vision positioning technology, through robot automatic welding, high quality welding, the use of robot to realize the key parts automatic handling and assembling.


The new product will use steel and aluminum hybrid structure, and a large number of new composite materials will be used. Through the lightweight of the whole vehicle, the load capacity of unit energy consumption can be maximally improved. The new product will also be made free of middle coating technology, using water-based topcoat and high solid varnish to ensure that the production process is clean and environmental friendly.


It is worth mentioning that the intelligent construction of the new factory will be further upgraded, the "cellular" production mode is introduced, the flexibility of the AGV system trajectory is flexible. Each vehicle can automatically generate assembly path according to the configuration. AGV will send the whole vehicle to the different assembly Island assembly. The production team can be reorganized randomly, not only to satisfy the customer's autonomy. The demand for customized cars can also achieve the optimization of factory man hour efficiency.


In the future, SAIC will form four digital intelligent production bases in Wuxi, Nanjing, Liyang and Shanghai, with a total investment of more than 10 billion yuan, and the capacity will be raised to 500 thousand vehicles per year.

Under the guidance of SAIC 's "13th Five-Year" new energy strategy, SAIC will take new energy as an important development direction, and will continue to plough the new energy strategy of "full platform, whole series and all route" in the future, that is, all the vehicle platforms, including wide body light passenger, MPV, SUV, pickup, cross boundary car and so on, develop new energy steam. It also covers the pure electric, hybrid and fuel cell vehicle routes, which brings more environmentally friendly choices for consumers to travel and boosts the green development of the economy.

