First got the domestic test license, Changan autopilot car in Chongqing.In July 2017, Changan APA6.0 (remote automatic driving) technology was first demonstrated by CS55 in China. In December 2017, w

On the timetable for the development of autopilot, we can see the authority of Changan automobile in this field.


In April 2016, Changan car Rui Rui ran an unmanned vehicle to complete a 2000 kilometre pilotless test from Chongqing to Beijing to realize the first long distance vehicle in China, causing great sensation in the auto industry.


In November 2017, the Changan motor vehicle was awarded the "us California road test license plate" issued by the California State Administration of transportation, which marks the pace of the auto driving in Changan.


In April 18, 2018, Changan car again ushered in its milestone in the auto driving field. At the start of the automatic driving test ceremony sponsored by the Chongqing municipal government, the auto driving test license plate was obtained.


As Li Wei, the vice president of Changan auto, said at the start ceremony, the first road test license in Chongqing was obtained, which was the affirmation of the long-term efforts of Changan automobile in the field of autopilot. It also reflected the high importance of the Chongqing municipal government to the automobile industry and the efficient work of protecting the innovation of the enterprises. The wind.


At present, Changan has mastered 60 kinds of intelligent technologies, namely, intelligent interconnection, intelligent interaction and intelligent driving in three main categories. Among them, structured road L3 automatic driving technology and APA6.0 automatic parking technology are carrying out real vehicle technology verification - this is the most leading intelligent technology in China with independent intellectual property rights.


First automatic driving licence, Changan car speed up again


In mid March, the implementation rules of Chongqing automatic driving road test management (Trial Implementation) was introduced, which made Chongqing become the third city in China after Beijing and Shanghai. According to the relevant provisions of the rules, the Lijia community ring road is set up as an open driving test road in our city. This section of the road involves a total of four roads, including Jintong road section, Lane Ren Street section, Jinyu Avenue section and Industrial Park loop line, with a total distance of about 12.5 km.


And Changan car can get the test license issued this time, indicating that it has been in the industry leading position in the field of intelligent network union in the strategy, pattern and technology. In the State Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) published by the State Enterprise Technology Center for 2017-2018 years evaluation results, Changan car with 96.4 points ranked third in the country, industry first, R & D strength for the 5 consecutive 10 years in China's automobile industry first.


Global research and development pattern, boosting the trend of intelligent automobile


As the leader of China's automobile brand industry, Changan automobile has long-term strategic thinking and in-depth layout for the future automotive intelligent development. It has not only accelerated the transformation of traditional cars to smart cars, but also established a global R & D system with particular emphasis. Nowadays, Changan automobile has mastered 100 kinds of intelligent technologies, namely, intelligent interconnection, intelligent interaction, intelligent driving and three major categories.

In April 2016, Changan Rui Cheng driverless vehicle from Chongqing to Beijing, 2000KM, completed the first super long pilotless test in China, causing global concern.

In July 2017, Changan APA6.0 (remote automatic driving) technology was first demonstrated by CS55 in China.


In December 2017, we completed the first test of L4 connected urban autonomous system in China.


In March 20th this year, the Changan auto driving core technology IACC (integrated adaptive cruise - single lane autopilot) carried CS55 for the first time in China, marking the Changan Auto's dual first in the field of automatic driving from testing to mass production.

In the upcoming Beijing auto show, Changan new CS75 will carry the Changan auto driving core technology APA4.0 (the generation parking system - can realize the full automatic parking in the driving position, and the short range remote control mooring) to be on the market.


Seize the high-end intelligent technology, Changan automatic driving countdown.


Changan auto driving technology research and development is constantly upgrading, but also actively seeking cooperation in the field of intelligent. "The Internet, cloud computing, big data and intelligence are unstoppable," Changan auto President Zhu Huarong said in a April 12th signing ceremony with the Tencent. "New kinetic energy is injected into the traditional auto industry and a new pattern is restructured. The future car is smarter, safer, more human, more enjoyable, and Changan automobile is committed to building it." Smart car new species! With an open mind and integration with the Internet and big data, we will strive to promote the transformation and upgrading of enterprises.

Today, Changan automobile has established strategic cooperative relationship with many innovative enterprises such as Wei Lai, Baidu, Intel, Alibaba, Tencent and so on, so as to complement each other's advantages. These cross-border cooperation, for the transformation of the Changan car has extraordinary significance, on the one hand, through the integration of the Internet with the intelligence strategy of increasing strength, but also the strategic transformation of Changan and the third important measures to start a business.


How far are we from the age of fully automatic driving cars? In order to arrive at this moment as early as possible, Changan automobile has been working hard.


"For the development of the industry, Changan automobile has developed a" 654 "intelligent strategy, which will build six major system platforms, five core technologies, and gradually realize the automobile from single intelligence to full automatic driving in four stages. In March 2nd, Zhu Huarong, the president of Changan auto at a media communication conference, said that Changan's smart driving L2 products will be listed this year, and the L3 level will be listed in 2020 - the final real realization of unmanned vehicles in 2025.

